Paratexts in Muhsin Al-Ramli's Tamr Al-Asabi (Dates on My Fingers)

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Sarkawt G. Ibrahim
Azad A. Mohammed
Ali G. Abdullah


This study attempts to investigate the paratexts, and to uncover parallel texts that support the coherence of the narrative text, through a comprehensive study of “Tamr Al-Asabi” novel by the expatriate novelist Mohsen Al-Ramli - An Iraqi writer, poet, academic, and translator. He holds a doctorate in philosophy and literature from the University of Madrid. He co-founded the cultural and intellectual publishing house and “Alwah” magazine in Spain. He writes in Arabic and Spanish. He has dozens of materials published in the Arabic, Spanish, and Latin press. This study consists of a preface and two main sections which are preceded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion that sums up the most prominent results of the study. The first section focuses on the Epitext (external thresholds), represented by the title, author’s name, genre of work, and the icon. The second section is about the Pritexts (internal thresholds) such as dedication and initiation (prologue and epilogue). Paratext (textual thresholds) is a new field for studying everything that surrounds the text from the inside and outside by giving a proactive idea about the text, to help the reader in understanding it and revealing its connotations by instilling in him/her the desire to search for its vague signs and symbols. The most important function of the internal and external thresholds lies in holding the reader’s hands and introducing him correctly into the text, and directing him towards a wise reading of the fictional text and the winding paths of its lines.


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How to Cite
Ibrahim, S. G. ., Mohammed, A. A. . and Abdullah, A. G. . (2024) “Paratexts in Muhsin Al-Ramli’s Tamr Al-Asabi (Dates on My Fingers): ”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), pp. 254-260. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v7n1y2024.pp254-260.
Author Biographies

Sarkawt G. Ibrahim, Department of Arabic Language، Faculty of Education، Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

 I am a teacher(Lecturer) at Koya University, Faculty of Education, Department of Arabic Language.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Arabic language and literature, a Master’s degree in ancient Arabic literature, and a PhD. D. in modern Arabic literature (narratives).

Azad A. Mohammed, Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Azad A. Mohammed is a Lecturer at the Arabic Department, Faculty of Education, Koya University.
He got the B.Sc. degree in Arabic Language, the M.Sc. degree in Modern Arabic literature and the Ph.D. degree in Modern Arabic literature.
His research interests are in Narratives and Modern poetic art.

Ali G. Abdullah, Department of Arabic Language، Faculty of Education، Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

My name is Ali Gashad Abdullah. I am a Lecturer Assistant teaching in the Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Education at Koya University, Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq.

I have a B.A. degree in Arabic and MA. degree in Arabic Literature. 


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