The Impact of the Use of Electronic Commerce on Achieving a Number of Dimensions of Competitive Advantage Applied Study of a Sample of Communication Companies in Kurdistan Region, Iraq. 2016.

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Abdulwahid T. Shukri
Sami A. Azab


 This research deals with the role of  Electronic commerce in terms of Competitive Advantage in a number of communication companies located in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Starting from a theoretical scheme which considers the outcome of two variables. In achieving the required objectives, the researcher has taken advantage of the literature review and then has implemented a questionnaire that focuses on sample perspectives expressed in the research. Also, certain methods are used for analyzing and shedding light on the final results. The most important outcome of the concludes that the companies depending on online business have a great impact on sustaining and achieving Competitive Advantage when compared to the company’s rivals. The paper suggests a number of recommendations, most importantly is the activation of the internet as an important factor for successful companies and communication institutions in the modern era.


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How to Cite
Shukri, A. T. and Azab, S. A. (2018) “The Impact of the Use of Electronic Commerce on Achieving a Number of Dimensions of Competitive Advantage: Applied Study of a Sample of Communication Companies in Kurdistan Region, Iraq. 2016.”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(1), pp. 76-84. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v1n1y2018.pp76-84.
Author Biography

Abdulwahid T. Shukri, Department of Economic Sciences, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Abdul Wahid Taha Shukri is an Assistant Lecture with a Master degree in business administration, where he joined the work at Zakho University since 2010. In (2015) he got an MA degree in Marketing at Zakho University.


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