The KUJHSS Executive Editorial Board (EEB) includes experts in the subject area that relates to KUJHSS. The executive editorial board oversees the process of KUJHSS's publication. EEB meets on a regular basis to discuss the latest submitted articles. 

KUJHSS's Editorial Board

  1. Prof. Mohammed H. S. Zangana, Executive Publisher 
  2. Prof. Dr. Nihad A. Qadir, Editor-in-Chief 
  3. Prof. Dr. Salah I. Yahya, Executive Editor
  4. Assist Lect. Basida Haidar Anwar, Executive Editor
  5. Prof. Dr. Kamaran Mohammed Jalal, Section Editor (History)
  6. Assist. Prof. Dr. Shadan Shukr Sabr, Section Editor (Kurdish)
  7. Assist. Prof. Dr. Shaima Fadhil Hassan, Section Editor (Literature  and Modern English)
  8. Assist. Prof. Dr. Bikhtiyar Omar Fattah, Section Editor (English language and linguistic)
  9. Assist. Prof. Dr. Florian Andrei Vlad, Section Editor (Modern English)
  10. Assist. Prof. Dr. Zana Majed Sadq, Section Editor (Administration and Accounting)
  11. Assist. Prof. Dr. Yadgar Kamal Ahmed, Section Editor (Law )
  12. Assist. Prof. Dr. Hewa Amin Jalal, Section Editor (Geography)
  13. Assist. Prof. Dr. Zorab Ibrahim Mawlood, Section Editor  (Religious Education) 
  14. Assist. Prof. Dr. bahat abdulrazaq saed, Section Editor (Psychology and Teaching Methods)
  15. Dr. Sarkawt Gawril Ibrahim, Section Editor (Arabic language and literature)
  16. Dr. Abas Sharif Ahmed,Section Editor (Sociology)

Advisory Editors (Associate Editors)

  1. Prof. Dr. Cinzia Pappi, Germany 
  2. Prof. Dr. Karel Novacek, Czech Republic
  3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Jaffer Sheyholislami, Canada
  4. Asst. Prof. Dr. Hashem Ahmadzadeh, Sweden
  5. Prof. Dr. Arif Ali Arif, Malaysia
  6. Asst. Prof. Dr. Esmail Mostafazadeh, Iran
  7. Prof. Dr. Zuhair Mohammed, Iraq
  8. Asst. Prof. Dr. Subhi Mohamied Saleh, Kurdistan Region- Iraq
  9. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Nesim DURU, Turkey
  10. Prof. Dr. Hashem A. Kilani, Jordan
  11. Asst. Prof. Dr. Shahzad Karim, Pakistan


  1. Assist. Prof. Dr. Nawzad A. Omar - Kurdish
  2. Assist. Prof. Dr. Hemin Abdulhameed Shams - Kurdish
  3. Lect. Najat Omer Kareem - English
  4. Lect. Ibrahim Abdulrahman Ahmed - English
  5. Assist. Prof. Dr. Aseel S. Shamsaldin - Arabic 
  6. Dr. Abduljabar Ahmed Mohammed - Arabic 


Mohammed H. S. Zangana, Executive Publisher

Mohammed H. S. Zangana is currently the President of Koya University , since June 2022, and a member of Petroleum Engineering Department teaching staff since 2004. Dr. Zangana has a Ph.D.  degree from Nottingham Universit on Multiphase Flow for oil and gas production. In addition to the Kurdistan Regional Government and Koya University, his PhD research project was part from TMF funded by a number of world's well-known oil and gas companies such as; BP Exploration; Chevron; ExxonMobil; Petrobras; PETRONAS; Shell; Statoil and TOTAL. During his Msc study at Baghdad University, the Natural Gas processing was the focus of Dr. Zangana's Research work. Dr. Zangana is very active researcher especially in the fields of multiphase flow, natural gas processing, renewable energy and environment. He has many publications in well known journals and international conferences and he has been awarded a number of international grants for his research projects. (see TAP). [e-mail: [email protected]]
Nihad Ayub Qadir, Editor-in-Chief 

Nihad Ayub Qadir is a Professor at the Faculty of physical education, at Koya University.
He has a B.A. in physical education from Salahaddin University (Erbil, 2001), an M.A. in
Biomechanics of Volleyball from the University of Koya (Erbil, 2006) and PhD in
Biomechanics of Volleyball from Koya University (Koya, 2012). Dr. Nihad has many
published scientific books and research articles in Biomechanics, Volleyball Law, and
Volleyball Skills, He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Koya University Journal of Humanities
and Social Sciences. (see TAP ). [e-mail: [email protected]]
Salah I. Yahya, Executive Editor

Salah I. Yahya is a Professor, joined the Department of Software Engineering at Koya University in 2010. He has a B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering, M.Sc. degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering and Ph.D. degree in Communication and Microwave Engineering. He is a Senior member of the IEEE-USA, Consultant at the Iraqi Engineering Union,and a member of AMTA-USA, SDIWC-Hong Kong. Prof. Yahya is a regular reviewer of the Electromagnetics Academy, Cambridge, USA, PIERS Journals publications, since 2009, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials journal and International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, as well as, a regular reviewer of many journals published by MDPI (Academic OpenAccess Publishing). Prof. Yahya is a Managing Editor of ARO Journal. (see TAP). [e-mail: [email protected]]
Basida H. Anwar, Executive Editor

Basida H. Anwar has BA in Sociology from Koya University, Kurdistan Ragion, Iraq (2014), and MA in social psychology from Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Ragion, Iraq (2023). She has been working at Koya University since 2015.