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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.


The Aim and Scope of the Research:

KUJHSS publishes authentic articles on the latest issues and trends in the field of humanities and social sciences, which occur at the international level in the curriculum of science, guidance, learning, policy and preparation of knowledge seekers with the aim of advancing knowledge on the theory and practice of education and science.

KUJHSS’s Board of Editors invites any research or article that addresses any topic relevant to science development that uses an established and recognized scientific approach and which can have an impact on the national and international populations or is all-embracing.

The fields of research included in KUJHSS are: Islamic sciences, law, administration, accounting, history, geography, physical education and sports science, psychology, literature, Kurdish, Arabic and English languages, or any other subjects in political science and philosophy.

Publication Timeline:

  1. As mandated by KUJHSS's policy, all papers submitted must undergo a thirty-day review process by two external reviewers after the date of submission. Unfortunately, there are times when we are unable to receive definitive results for a paper within that time frame for reasons beyond our control. The work schedule and commitments of the reviewer, for instance, maybe the reason for the delay, particularly if one or both of the reviewers—who are subject matter experts in the field—are citizens of or live outside of the Kurdistan Region and/or Iraq. KUJHSS's Board of Editors is aware that the authors will be concerned and frustrated by such delays, but our publication's main goal is to accurately and rigorously evaluate the papers in order to guarantee the best outcomes. As such, we maintain continuous communication with the authors and reviewers at the same time.
  2. If both reviewers approve the paper with comments, the section editor will send all comments to the author for correction. The author has to correct the research within 60 days and send the final copy of the paper to KUJHSS for publication. If the author needs more time, he/she should inform KUJHSS. If there is no response or contact within the specified time, the file will be closed and the paper will not be published.
  3. If one reviewer approves the paper for publication, but the other one rejects it, the section editor sends the paper to a third reviewer who decides the issue of eligibility or ineligibility. If the third reviewer approves the paper, the second point above applies, if not, the paper will be rejected and the file will be closed.

The Language Used in the Research:

KUJHSS receives all authors within the field of humanities and social sciences, and researches can be written in Kurdish, Arabic or English languages.


The following guidelines must be followed to publish your paper with KUJHSS:

  1. When a paper is submitted to KUJHSS , it indicates that it is a unique piece of writing that has not been seen or considered for publication anywhere. Following receipt by the KUJHSS , the author consents to refrain from publishing in any other language or format, or in any other journal or publication that has the same content and format.
  2. The paper should be submitted through the KUJHSS ’s submission portal after accepting KUJHSS 's terms and conditions, including the format used. For technical assistance, on how to use the submission system, please refer to: click here.

Also download the format required by KUJHSS from (....) . 

Or visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), or for any other assistance, you can contact us via the following email address:


  1. In order to differentiate the paper submitted from that of others, the author must have and use their ORCID ID account.

Using the ORCID ID account is crucial since, upon publication, the paper will be linked to an author-specific ORCID ID profile. Funding Individuals and Organizations increasingly require authors to have an ORCID ID.

For more information about ORCID, please visit this link. To learn how to create an ORCID account, please visit this link.

  1. When submitting a paper to KUJHSS, two electronic copies of the paper must be submitted. In the first copy, it is important to note that since KUJHSS implements a double-blind peer review policy, authors are required to anonymize the paper's title page and omit any information about the authors' institutional affiliations, identities, or acknowledgments in the first copy. Next, the authors must accurately enter their email addresses and other contact information in the designated space on the KUJHSS’s database portal. Kindly supply additional contact details in case the information in the database is not used by the author anymore.

In the second copy, unlike the first copy, the title page should include:

  1. name(s) of all author(s) and contact information for the designated reporter;
  2. a brief informational title containing the main keywords. The title must not contain abbreviations;
  3. a short title of less than 40 characters;
  4. full name(s) of the author(s);
  5. the institutional affiliation of the author in which the work was conducted;
  6. In addition to the above two points, the author should consider the following points for both submitted copies mentioned above:


For papers written in Kurdish, the authors must write an abstract of no more than 250 words in both Kurdish and English; for papers written in Arabic, they must write an abstract of no more than 250 words in both Arabic and English; and for papers written in English, they must write an abstract of no more than 250 words in both Arabic and English. Also include 5 to 7 keywords of the paper for each language.

This section should be succinct, with no subheadings.

Results and Discussion:
This section may each be divided by subheadings or may be combined.

This should clearly explain the main conclusions of the work highlighting its importance and relevance.

All acknowledgments (if any) should be included at the very end of the paper before the references and may include supporting grants, presentations, and so forth.


KUJHSS uses the APA style of referencing and authors should adhere to it. For more information, please visit this website at: Click here.

Author Biography:
Authors now have the option to publish a biography together with the paper, with information such as MD/PhD degree, past and present positions, research interests, awards, etc. Click here. This increases the profile of the authors and is well received by international readers. See samples of author biography in previous KUJHSS publications. The corresponding author should give the biography of all manuscript authors during registration.

Figures and Images:
Authors must submit the highest quality images, for peer review purposes, using a variety of formats, sizes and resolutions of color figures.

Preparation of Tables:

Tables should supplement textual information, not duplicate it. They shall be provided as editable texts, not pasted as images. They should be concise but all-inclusive – tables, figures and notes should be clear without reference to the text. All abbreviations must be defined in the footnotes  The symbols: †, ‡, §, ¶, must be used (in that order) and *, **, *** should be reserved for P-values (P-values). Statistical measures such as standard deviation (SD) or SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) shall be identified in the headings.

Equations should be numbered consecutively.

General Formatting of the Paper:

Notice the following points for formatting and style of the paper:

  1. Abbreviations: In general, terms must not be abbreviated unless they are used repeatedly and are helpful to the reader. Use the word in its entirety first, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Later, only use the abbreviation.
  2. Chemical products should only be referred to by their generic names rather than their trade names. Instead of using their trade names, drugs should only be referred to by their generic names. If proprietary drugs were used in the paper, the author should refer to them by their generic names, mentioning the manufacturer's name and address in brackets along with the proprietary name.

Number of Research Words/ Word Count: 

The recommended number of words for publication varies from journal to journal. According to the system and policy of KUJHSS, papers of less than 4000 words or of more than 10000 words are not accepted except in rare cases where the research requires more than that number. Upon the consent of the editor-in-chief, the word count can go up to 12,000 words. The word count includes all the content of the paper from the introduction to the conclusion excluding the abstract, list of references and appendices.

English Grammar:
To save the time of our reviewers, authors are encouraged to use grammar check software or find the help of a native speaker to proofread the manuscript before submission.

The Duties of the Author:

The author must consider the following points before submitting the research:

  1. Make sure that the research is written in a high standard academic language free from grammatical, typing and spelling errors for the three languages Kurdish, Arabic and English because KUJHSS is not responsible for language correction; however, the language is checked by an expert to ensure the high linguistic level of the research. If the study is found to be written in poor language, it will be returned to the author to correct the language and other errors.
  2. In worst cases, publication of a paper can be denied if the author fails to maintain the required standard of language use, even if the paper has been accepted by the reviewers.
  3. The file type on which the research is written must be Microsoft Word.
  4. The content of the paper must include all the basic parts of the research, such as: abstract (in Kurdish, Arabic and English); introduction, which clearly states the questions, value of the research, objectives and research method; and the other parts of the research, including the results, and conclusions. Figures and tables shall be clear and of high resolution.
  5. After the submission, the author must submit the amount of 150,000 one hundred and fifty thousand Iraqi dinars to KUJHSS, if the number of words does not exceed (6000 to 6750) six thousand to six thousand seven hundred and fifty words. Above this number, the author must pay an additional amount of (10,000) dinars for every (750) additional words up to (10,000) ten thousand words, and above this number, the research will not be accepted, as mentioned above.


  1. A co-author is anyone who has a significant contribution to the study becoming one of the authors of the study.
  2. There are two types of co-writing that must be importantly distinguished:

a. Principal Co-Author:

As defined above, a co-author is someone who has made a significant contribution to the research, and shares responsibility and accountability for the results of the published research.

b. Corresponding Co-Author:

The corresponding co-author handles all papers on the topic and signs the publication agreement on behalf of all authors for articles of more than one author. In addition to ensuring the accuracy of all authors' contact information, the authors must also agree on the order in which their names appear in the research.

  1. There may be more than one co-author in a study and there is no limit on the number of authors, but KUJHSS recommends no more than five (5) co-authors.
  2. One or more co-authors may prevent the publication of the paper if they do not agree with the review conducted by other authors. For this purpose, if such a situation occurs, please contact KUJHSS via this email (email) and write down the reasons for the objection in detail and attach the documents. Then KUJHSS’s Board of Editors will handle the issue.
  3. Co-authors and corresponding authors are subject to the same duties as listed in the preceding paragraph for each author.

Research Ethics:

Why is ethical consideration important in conducting paper? Obviously, social science papers are conducted in a social context, so in addition to scientific considerations regarding the design and implementation of the paper, authors must also take into account several political and ethical issues.

Papers involving research ethics are crucial because they entail the collection and dissemination of data from and about people. Within this framework, KUJHSS gives special attention to research ethics concerns, particularly those about participant safety, voluntary involvement, informed consent for research participation, and numerous other concerns like non-harm, anonymity, confidentiality, and non-deception. Thus, authors must establish trust with and safeguard research participants. In addition to the above points, and in order to maintain the integrity of KUJHSS, authors should consider strict ethical standards by presenting a number of statements such as:

  • Data Availability Statement

In other words, the research data relevant to the study must have been made available in writing, along with information about how and where the data can be accessed.   

  • Funding Statement

This refers to the people who offered financial support to the author (if it was part of the project). Authors must list all their financial or funding sources in the Acknowledgments section. Authors are responsible for accurately identifying their project funders.

  •       Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Most journals have a formal and documented disclosure process in their policy towards the author in order to prevent conflicts of interest. This way, the author is expected to be open and honest during the writing process, ensuring that the research's content does not conflict with the financial, social, or scientific interests of any other party or individual.

  •       Ethics Approval Statement

Statements of ethics approval provide information about the source of a research's ethical approval. Normally, the author pledges to uphold the above-discussed non-harm,                    anonymity, confidentiality, non-deception, and patient consent, as well as the participant's participation, voluntary participation, or informed consent. This is especially crucial for research involving individuals or a group of people. Usually, these claims are supported by a quantitative method designed for the paper.

Here, the institution or entity that the author works for has procedures related to this matter. Once all the procedures have been followed, the institution or entity grants the author "ethical approval" to carry out his research necessary for the paper. A copy of the statement must also be submitted upon paper submission, per KUJHSS’s request.

Research Methods:

The authors are free to use any research methods such as quantitative methods, provided that the ethics-related points mentioned in paragraph 4 above are followed. They can also use qualitative or mixed methods depending on the research questions and aims.

In addition, the paper's research methodology may be considered an analytical study when considering the scenario-making approach. KUJHSS's policy supports and encourages it as long as this method is used to describe several possible future scenarios; otherwise, it will remain a pipe dream that will not validate any hypotheses in the social sciences or humanities. In other words, every stage of the analysis that employs the scenario-building method needs to be examined. Simultaneously, every narrative in the scenario needs to be presented as a case that is probable and worthy of investigation; if the author makes any claims about probabilities, the conclusions drawn from those claims should support the research hypothesis. If the aforementioned conditions are not fulfilled, KUJHSS may reject the paper.

Plagiarism and Similarity:

Before being sent to the reviewers, each paper accepted by  KUJHSS undergoes an intellectual plagiarism and textual similarity check. The paper must be authentic and free of plagiarism since the author will make an effort to avoid intellectual plagiarism.

In terms of text similarity, even when the other source is the author's own prior work,  KUJHSS only permits a maximum text similarity of 10% to other sources. If the rate of similarity or overlapping reaches 15%, the paper will not be accepted until the author modifies it.

Effective Writing:
Effective writing is readable — that is, clear, accurate, and concise. When you are writing a paper, try to get your ideas across in such a way that the audience will understand them effortlessly, unambiguously, and rapidly. To this end, strive to write in a straightforward way. There is no need to write about science in unusual, complicated, or overly formal ways in an effort to "sound scientific" or to impress your audience. If you can tell a friend about your work, you are off to a good start. (see more on this topic at nature.com).

After Publication:

When the paper is published online, the author receives an email notification about its publication. The research that has been published is freely accessible to the author, and they can distribute a link to it on social media.

Publishing Right:

KUJHSS implements an open-access policy, which means that all electronic information and resources are free for everyone to use.

For any further information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), or for any other assistance, you may contact us at the following email address:
