Ismail Muzhir and the Early Arabic Contemporary Writings on Jabir Bin Hayyan

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Nabil F. Hussein


The main Idea of this research is to give reflections on the earliest Arabic famous chemist Jabir B. Hayyan (about 200AH/815AD), As it portrayed in an article written by the Egyptian thinker Ismail Muzhir published in the “Al-Muqtataf” magazine, in two parts, in the year of (1926 AD). The researcher found it is necessary to draw attention to the historical importance of Muzhir's article, as it represents an early attempt to study Jabir and his career and works in the Arab world. Those who are engaged in the Arab-Islamic sciences, especially the rational ones, should give this article due attention if they want to understand the developments that has occurred in the perspectives of dealing with Jabir's legacy in contemporary Arabic and Islamic writings. This researcher has re-examined the most important ideas that were mentioned in the Mushir's article, which focused on the life, work; and writing of the famous chemist. His book "Al-Sumum" occupied a substantial space in that article, no doubt it considered as one of the monumental achievements of Jabir. Lastly, Muzhir talk about the proposed relationship between Jabir and the sixth Shiite imam, Jaafar Al-Sadiq (d. 148 AH/765 AD).

Muzhir didn’t satisfy with narrating the life and works of Jabir, in fact he managed to give analytical an reflective text, examining different opinions about the life of Jabir and supplemented them with the latest orientalists views, and provided us with evidence that can be considered as the basic contemporary Arabic treatment of the actual founder of the Arab chemistry.


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How to Cite
حسين ن. ف. . (2023) “Ismail Muzhir and the Early Arabic Contemporary Writings on Jabir Bin Hayyan”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), pp. 123-128. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v5n2y2022.pp123-128.
Author Biography

Nabil F. Hussein, General Directorate of Curriculum and Publications، Ministry of Education، Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Dr.Nabil Fathi Hussein has a B.Sc. degree in History from the College of Education / University of Mosul 1993/1994. M.Sc. degree in the Islamic history from the College of Education / University of Mosul (2007). PhD degree in the Islamic history from the College of Education / University of Mosul (2016). He is currently working as a specialist in social studies at the General Directorate of Curriculum and Publications of the Ministry of Education in the Kurdistan Region


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