Kurdish EFL Learners’ Competency in Recognizing the Meaning of Contextual English Idioms

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

دیکان جزا حمە سعید
سونیا فاروق حسیب
عطا عبدالواحد احمد


Idioms generally comprise basic elements of any language and culture. Master control of English idioms assists as a prime indication of language proficiency. The present study aims to explore the ability of Kurdish EFL undergraduate learners in recognizing the contextual meaning of English idioms. The researchers carried out the study using a quantitative method. The sample of the study comprised 76 learners, including 57 females and 19 males. Concerning the academic levels, 33 third year and 43 fourth year constituted the participants of the study. The research attempts to explore the variation between both genders and academic levels in recognizing the contextual meaning of English idioms. The participants undertook a test to detect their level of comprehension of the idioms. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to assess the differences between genders: male and female, and academic levels: third-year and fourth-year participants. The statistical test, Independent Sample T-test was used to analyze the data. The findings of the study demonstrated the lack of statistical differences between male and female participants in recognizing English idioms. Furthermore, no significant variations were observed between the academic levels. The results offer an understanding of our perceptions at which point gender and academic level of the learners may have implications in determining English idioms among Kurdish learners. This study focuses on the significance of using quantitative methods to investigate language competency, highlighting the need for targeted instruction in language strategies to enhance the understanding of English idioms in language teaching.


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تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
Hama Saeed , D. J. ., Hasib, S. F. و Ahmed, A. A. (2024) "Kurdish EFL Learners’ Competency in Recognizing the Meaning of Contextual English Idioms", مجلة جامعة كويه للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, 7(2), ص 469-477. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v7n2y2024.pp469-477.
السير الشخصية للمؤلفين

دیکان جزا حمە سعید، Language Consultancy Center, Charmo University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Dekan J. Hama Saeed is an assistant lecturer at the Language Consultancy Center, Charmo University. She holds a B.A. degree in English Language/College of Education of Chamchamal/Sulaymaniyah University. She is a Masters' degree holder in English Language Teaching/Near East University/Cyprus. She is currently the head of International Recognition Department/ Directorate of Quality Assurance of Charmo University, and a lecturer at the Language Consultancy Center. Her research interests include; teaching English to EFL leraners, Applied Linguistics, and Classroom Techniques and Strategies.

سونیا فاروق حسیب، Language Consultancy Center, Charmo University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Sonia Faruq Hasib is an assistant lecturer at the Language Consultancy Center/ Charmo University. She got Bachelor's Degree in English Language/ College of Education/ Sulaimani University. She got Master's Degree in Applied Linguistics/ English Language Teaching. Her research interests are Language Learners, Language Teaching..etc

عطا عبدالواحد احمد، Department of English Language Teaching, College of Education, Tishk International University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Atta A. Ahmed holds a master's degree in English Language Teaching that he earned from Near East University in Cyprus. Currently, he serves as both a researcher and an instructor at Tishk International University in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. His academic interests mainly center on teaching language skills, employing computer-assisted language learning, as well as engaging with history and art history.


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