Analysis of Definite and Indefinite Article Usage in Students' Paragraphs
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Although they are among the most basic words in the English language, articles make writing difficult for EFL and ESL students. This study looks into how students use definite and indefinite articles in their paragraphs. What is the frequency of definite and indefinite articles in first-year English majors' paragraphs at Salahaddin University's College of Education? To what extent are students accurate in their use of definite and indefinite articles? are the main questions under investigation. The study aims to identify the frequency of definite and indefinite articles in 35 paragraphs written by English majors in their first year at Salahaddin University's College of Education, Erbil, Iraq, in the academic year 2022-2023. The study utilizes conceptual content analysis to ascertain the frequency of articles through descriptive statistics. The findings indicate that first-year English majors struggle to use articles correctly in their writing. They struggle to consistently use definite and indefinite articles appropriately. The results of this study will be significant for both researchers and language instructors. Understanding students' use of definite and indefinite articles can provide valuable insights into potential problems or areas requiring additional instruction. The results of this study have the potential to influence curriculum design and language teaching strategies, ultimately enhancing English language learning and proficiency among EFL and ESL students. Keywords: analysis, definite articles, indefinite articles, students’ paragraphs.
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