دابەشبونی جوگرافی بۆ خزمهتگوزاریی خۆشگوزهرانی له شاری كهسنهزان
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The welfare services that cities provide to their residents are important because they play a role in moving people from a troubled world to a peaceful world that suits individuals and their current needs. Kasnazan town's welfare services are unevenly distributed among its neighborhoods, which does not meet local and international welfare standards, especially after the increased demand for these services due to economic development and population growth in the study area. The aim of our study is to show the distribution of welfare services and to assess the capacity of services against the population of the study area of data, their analysis and presentation. Finally, the study concluded that the concentration of welfare services in the study area varied from neighborhood to neighborhood, and the nature of distribution of welfare services according to the techniques of Moran and nearest neighbor took a random and distant pattern. At the same time, the study recommends more attention to such studies as it provides clarity to stakeholders during planning and development practices, as well as reorganizing welfare services in the study area, based on new criteria and techniques such as geographic information systems. In order to achieve our objectives, we have divided the research plan as follows: the first topic (introduction of the research area and subject), the second topic (distribution of welfare services in Kesnazan township), the third topic (analysis of welfare services). The fourth theme is the distribution of services welfare of the study area).
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