شیكردنه‌وه‌یه‌كی جوگرافی بۆ گۆڕانه‌كانی به‌كارهێنانی زه‌وی له‌ شاری بنه‌سڵاوه

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Bzhar A. Abdul Qader
Obaidallah H. Yousif


The city is the source of human needs, and humans regulate land use patterns within the city. Residential consumption is also the highest in all cities in developed and developing countries. This reflects the fact that the city is increasing as a result of rapid population growth, causing increased demand for more land, which of course leads to the emergence of urban expansion and land use change. The aim of this study is to determine the level of land use change in Banaslawa city. This study relies on morphological methods, analytical methods and historical methods, In order to achieve the objectives, the research plan is divided as follows: Theoretical framework of the research (previous research and introduction of the research area). Morphological stages of Banaslawa. Measurement of land use change. The study then presents several conclusions and recommendations. The most important results are the geographical location of Banaslawa and cheap land prices, which are the main reasons for population growth and land use change. Throughout the morphological stages, residential land use occupied the largest area, increasing from 171.21 hectares to 612.51 hectares at the end of the third morphological stage. Land use change has occurred in all land uses at all morphological stages. The most obvious recommendations are to provide more services to the city's residents, in all aspects. Deploy services in a planned manner across the city, in accordance with international standards.


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How to Cite
Abdul Qader, B. A. . and Yousif, O. H. . (2025) “شیكردنه‌وه‌یه‌كی جوگرافی بۆ گۆڕانه‌كانی به‌كارهێنانی زه‌وی له‌ شاری بنه‌سڵاوه”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), pp. 50-61. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v8n1y2025.pp50-61.


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