Contemporary Approaches of Color in the Interior Design of Commercial Spaces Erbil For Example
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This research investigates the development of contemporary color trends in the interior design of commercial spaces. The research consists of four parts. The first part (research methodology) asks the following questions: Do they collaborate on the identity of the spaces? The focus of the study is to highlight human interaction with the commercial space, and the study aims to highlight the technique of color to create identity and influence the psychological aspects of the user. The role of artificial light on color is the boundary of the cafeteria space in Erbil. The theoretical framework is: First, contemporary color and its relationship to interior design, which consists of perception and continuity of color, color flow and identity of Others, color and its relationship to designer experience, the color reaction in interior spaces, and the second part is color trends and visual effects in contemporary interior spaces such as the influence of environment on contemporary color trends, the role of artificial light on contemporary color trends User psychology, the role of progress on the contemporary color trend, and the third part consists of descriptions, and the fourth part consists of results, conclusions: recommendations and suggestions Identity of commercial spaces and has an impact on the psychological aspect of the user, contrast colors are more used in commercial spaces, artificial lighting helps with color. And the progress of the times helps contemporary color.
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