Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Efficiencies for Kindergarten Teachers, According to Some Variables
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One of the objectives of this research was to determine the level of (linguistic & non-linguistic) communication efficiencies among the kindergarten teachers according to some demographic variables. The researcher used the Descriptive and Correlative Method, also they used observation tool, beside finding the validity, internal consistency and reliability of the tool through Cronbach's Alpha which was (0.92), then a consistency between the observers were found. The tool in its final form Consisted of (28) items. The final sample was (89) lessons observed of kindergarten teachers in Koya city. The results showed that the level of communication efficiencies in general was above average but not up to the required level educationally set at 80%, also the private kindergarten teachers was better comparing with Governmental kindergartens, also differences appeared by the years of service for the benefit of newly teachers. Based on the results the researcher presented several recommendations and suggestions.
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