The Romantic Self in The Poetry of Piramerd and Mirzada Ashqe

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Rozhgar M. Sabr
Osman H. Dashty
Jihad Sh. Rashid



The notion creativity in the Western civilization has a long history. It has influenced various aspects of human life since Greek and Roman times. Western thinkers have significantly contributed to literary growth in art and literature. Western intellectuals have also led literary research and developed theoretical approaches to literature. After their development, the western literary traditions were imported to other countries for various reasons. Thus, the non-Western writers adapted several aspects of Western literary movements including romanticism. Romanticism, a literary and artistic movement that emerged in late 18th-century Europe, opposed the basic tenant of classicism. The movement introduced new literary forms and radical ideas. Influenced by Western romanticism, Kurdish and Persian romantic literature evolved and reached its peak.  The term “romantic self” is used to describe how a poet reveals his hidden and spontaneous feelings, desires and anguish using various romantic features. Drawing from American  Romanticism, this comparative study explores how both Piramerd and Mirzada Ashqe emphasize the romantic self in their poems. This helps to understand the similarities and differences in the poets’ approaches to the notion of romantic self in their works.


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How to Cite
Sabr, R. M., Dashty, O. H. and Rashid, J. S. . (2024) “The Romantic Self in The Poetry of Piramerd and Mirzada Ashqe”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), pp. 1-8. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v7n1y2024.pp1-8.
Author Biographies

Rozhgar M. Sabr, Department of Kurdish, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

I have a B.Sc. degree in Salahuddin university ( 2002-2003) at Persian language. M.Sc. degree in Salahuddin university (2009) about comparative literature between ( Persian and Kurdish literary) .I am studying at Ph.D. at koya university , faculty of education , Kurdish department.


Jihad Sh. Rashid, Department of Persian, College of Languages, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



  • Full Name:- Jihad Shukri Rashid
  • Nationality:-Iraqi
  • Academic Title:- Assistant. Professor
  • Education
  1. 1988-2002  BA of Persian Language and Literature/Persian Department/ Salahaddin University.
  2. 2001-2009 MA of Persian Language and Literature /Persian Department/ Urma University.
  3. 2010-2013  PhD  of Persian Language and Literature /Persian Department/ Tehran University.
  • Experience
  1. 2010  Assist-Lecturer of Persian Language and Literature/Persian Department/ Salahaddin University.
  2. 2013  Lecturer of Persian Language and Literature/Persian Department/ Salahaddin University.
  3. 2017  Assist.Prof of Persian Language and Literature/Persian Department/ Salahaddin University.
  4. 2023 Professor of Persian and kurdish Literature/ Persian Department/ Salahaddin University.
  • Qualifications

-        Expertise in Persian literature drama, and poetry.

-        Expertise in Persian oral and written communication.

-        Expertise in developing a teaching approach and guiding students.

-        Experienced with MS Office: Creating/modifying Documents/spreadsheets Using Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.


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