The Impact of The Professional Assurance Service on Improving Sustainability Performance Reports An Analytical Study in The Viewpoint of Academics and CPAs in The Kurdistan Region, Iraq

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Kamaran I. Yousif
Basima F. AL-Nuimi


The main aim of the study is to investigate the impact of professional assurance services on improving sustainability performance reports. A quantitative research design was employed, and the data instrument entailed a structured survey administered to CPAs and academicians. The total participation was 143, which consisted of 86% academicians and 14% CPAs. This study used simple linear regression for the impact of professional assurance services and the quality and credibility of sustainability report components and disclosures. Results suggest that professional assurance services have a statistically significant positive impact on improving sustainability performance reports. In particular, the use of assurance services indicates higher quality in the report components and results in more comprehensive disclosures with increased credibility. This study highlights the necessity of external verification to uphold and ensure sustainability reporting integrity. The study also provides an empirical approach to supporting these claims about professional assurance services, offering practical implications for public practice firms and companies. Organizational policies can employ managers' mindsets when dealing with projects, recognizing that confidence can impact quality results. In conclusion, the study shows that there needs to be consistency in assurance frameworks. It also suggests areas for future research to look into the long-term effects of various assurance services, the use of new technologies, and cost-benefit analysis for small and medium-sized businesses. Through better sustainability reporting, this research ultimately aims to promote increased transparency and accountability toward superior business practices.


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How to Cite
Yousif, K. and AL-Nuimi , B. (2024) “The Impact of The Professional Assurance Service on Improving Sustainability Performance Reports: An Analytical Study in The Viewpoint of Academics and CPAs in The Kurdistan Region, Iraq”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), pp. 530-543. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v7n2y2024.pp530-543.
Author Biography

Kamaran I. Yousif, Department of Accounting , Faculty of Law, Political Science and Management, Soran University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Kamaran Ibrahim Yousif is an Assistant Lecturer in the Accounting Department at Soran University, where he contributes to the academic development of students in accounting and finance. With a master's degree in accounting, his expertise across key areas such as financial analysis, financial accounting, and auditing. Kamaran is keen to development a strong understanding of complex accounting and financial concepts and preparing students for the professional challenges in the fields of accounting and finance. In addition to teaching, he is actively involved in research, focusing on areas like accounting, finance, auditing and sustainability.


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