The Effect of Psychological Biases on External Auditor’s Professional Skepticism Overconfidence Bias, Anchoring Bias, and Availability Bias

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Rahim Jafar
Farhad R. Ali Al-Kake
Hevi M. Qader
Dler M. Ahmed
Aram J. Mohammad


Despite their professional recognition, auditors’ failure to exercise an appropriate level of skepticism continues to be a global issue. This study aimed to prove potential psychological barriers and traps that lead to biases and skeptical behaviors. We examined the potential existence of three psychological biases in auditors’ professional skepticism in particular overconfidence, anchoring, and availability. The application of professional skepticism is also necessary for effective auditor decision-making." Indeed, the foundation of sound auditor decision-making is the right application of professional skepticism throughout the judgment process. To conduct our research, we designed a questionnaire containing thirty questions. The questionnaires were distributed to 300 public and private auditing institutes. In total, we could rely on 158. It has been found out that the three psychological biases can affect auditors’ professional skepticism. The existence of overconfidence bias will lead auditors to believe that they are doing a better job of auditing than they truly are. Show how auditors' anchoring bias exists. This bias leads to improper adjustment of auditors’ expectations, especially numerical ones. When auditors do not adjust their assessments and estimates sufficiently, they cannot exercise an appropriate level of professional skepticism when they perform. The results also show that availability bias exists among auditors. There is a relationship between the three psychological biases and auditors’ professional skepticism.


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How to Cite
Jafar, R., Ali Al-Kake , F. R. ., Qader, H. M., Ahmed, D. M. and Mohammad, A. J. (2024) “The Effect of Psychological Biases on External Auditor’s Professional Skepticism: Overconfidence Bias, Anchoring Bias, and Availability Bias”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), pp. 284-292. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v6n1y2023.pp284-292.
Author Biographies

Rahim Jafar, Accounting and Finance Department, College of Administration and Economics, Lebanese French University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq

My name is Rahim Jafar Mohammad sharifi. I was born in Mahabad in 1982. I have bachelor's in accounting. I graduated in master's in 2011 in a specialization of accounting and got Ph.D. degree in finance accounting in 2023. I am working as a lecturer in Lebanese French University from 2015 to now.


Farhad R. Ali Al-Kake , Accounting Department, Catholic University in Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

I studied accounting at the trade high school in Erbil. After three years of serious study, I graduated in 1996 as a top student in the Kurdistan region. I worked as an auditor for the Kurdistan Regional Government. In 2011 I graduated with honors from the accounting department. Since obtaining my master's degree in Accounting and Finance at Leicester University in 2015, I have been teaching accounting and finance at different universities. Besides, I have been working in different accounting positions in the public and private sectors. I have been working too as a volunteer and activist, helping vulnerable people and refugees. I have also been a founder and member of the Center for Genocide Studies at the International University of Erbil. I am interested in advancing my career and endeavor in practicing accounting and finance jobs in an international university where I use my knowledge and skills. I speak English, Arabic, Kurdish, and Persian. I participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) from 21 July to 10 August 2019 in the USA


Hevi M. Qader, Department of Banking and Financial Science, College of Administration and Economics, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Hevi Mohammed Qader is an assistant Lecture at the Department of Banking and Financial Science, Collage of Administration and Economics, Cihan University-Erbil. Her got a B.Sc. degree in Banking and Financial Science from Cihan University-Erbil, an M.Sc. degree in Banking and Financial Science from Salahaddin University. Her research interests are in Financial Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis, Principles of Accounting, Managerial Accounting, and Cost Accounting.


Dler M. Ahmed, Department of Accounting, College of Administration and Economics, University of Salahaddin- Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq

Dean of College of Administration and Economic, University of Salahaddin, Hawler, Kurdistan, Iraq


Aram J. Mohammad, Department of Accounting Techniques, Erbil Technical Administrative College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Iraq

Aram Jawhar was born in Erbil, Iraq in 1984. He earned his Master of Science degree in International Accounting at University Utara Malaysia in 2016. He also holding his BA degree in Accounting from Salahaddin University-Erbil in 2007.

Aram is an Assistant Lecturer with fifteen years of experience working in private and public sector. He specializes in international accounting also he has good knowledge in the academic field and researches. He published many papers in international journals and attended many conferences and training courses. He is responsible for educating on using progressive systems and applications including accounting software. Aram is a potent force in the workplace and uses his positive attitude and tireless energy to encourage others to work hard and succeed.



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