Geopolitic Analysis- Implications of the Neighborhood Location of Iraqi Kurdistan Region

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Hawar J. Hawez
Safin J. Fathulla


The Iraqi Kurdistan Region has geographical neighborhoods with a number of neighboring countries, including Iraq, which has its own consequences. The region's neighboring location and geographical factors have influenced the Kurdistan Region's domestic and foreign policy and the nature of relations between the region and neighboring countries. In this study, historical methods have been used to highlight several historical aspects in addition to methods (analysis and comparison) to analyze the effects of the neighboring location of the Kurdistan Region. From a geopolitical point of view, the advantages and disadvantages of the location of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region are presented. The Kurdistan Region is small compared to its neighboring countries, but to some extent the presence of a large Kurdish area in Iran, Turkey and Syria has filled its place. The importance of the region's neighborhood with each of its neighbors in terms of trade, economy, and military, social, political and geopolitical were discussed. The natural resources and soil type of the region on the one hand and the closed area of ​​the region are reflected in the consequences of the regional neighborhood.



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How to Cite
Hawez, H. J. . and فەتحوڵا س. ج. (2023) “ Geopolitic Analysis- Implications of the Neighborhood Location of Iraqi Kurdistan Region”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), pp. 1-14. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v6n2y2023.pp1-14.
Author Biography

Safin J. Fathulla, Department of geography, Faculty of Education at Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

My name is safin jalal fathulla. I am a Professor teaching in the Department of geography, Faculty of Education at Koya University, Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq.

I have a B.Sc. degree in political geography, M.Sc. degree in geopolitics and a Ph.D. degree in geopolitics.

I am a member of Iraq geography group and a Kurdistan geography (geok).

My research interest includes Geopolitics,.


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