The Concept of Practical Criticism in Kurdish Literary Criticism

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Karzan K. Ameen
Fuad R. Mohamad


A broad spectrum of critical studies operates by implementing and advocating for working within the frame of the concept of practical criticism, however, this term does not have a single applicable concept, principle, or model. Rather, it has different forms, theoretical backgrounds, and cognitive structures. From this viewpoint, this research provides a critical examination of how the term "practical criticism" is defined and applied in Kurdish literary criticism. This article examines the notion and definition of literary criticism, focusing on the critical theory of I. A. Richards. Based on this theory, it explains the concepts, objectives, and principles of practical criticism. The study also analyzes and evaluates how the term is formed, and how it is understood and practiced in some of the critical works in Kurdish literary criticism that have claimed to use and work with this term. In this regard, within the boundaries and framework of meta-criticism, it explains and investigates how the term practical criticism is present and applied in the critical research of Kurdish critics. It explains the reasons behind the understanding and how the term is utilized. In addition, it explores and discusses all the forms used in the discourse of Kurdish literary criticism as synonymous with practical criticism. In addition to these applications, the dominant understanding and the general concept of practical criticism, and the lack of understanding, practicing, and working within the framework of the specific concept of practical criticism in the circle of theorized arguments have been explained and evaluated.


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How to Cite
Ameen, K. K. . and Mohamad, F. R. (2024) “The Concept of Practical Criticism in Kurdish Literary Criticism”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), pp. 418-425. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v6n2y2023.pp418-425.
Author Biographies

Karzan K. Ameen, Department of Kurdish Language, College of Languages, Salahaddin University-Erbil. Kurdistan Region- Iraq

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