The Relevant Authorities Responsible for Protecting Natural Reserves at The National Level in Iraq A Comparative Study
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The authorities responsible for protecting natural reserves at the state level are the organizations and agencies that possess legal authority and responsibility for preserving the environment and conserving protected natural areas within the country's borders. Their role involves implementing policies and laws aimed at preserving these areas and the natural resources they harbor. These authorities are responsible for identifying natural areas deserving protection and categorizing them based on their environmental and biological characteristics. They also formulate policies and regulations that govern activities within natural reserves, including rules for usage, hunting, agriculture, development, and tourism. Furthermore, these authorities conduct monitoring and surveillance activities to maintain the state of natural reserves and address potential environmental threats such as pollution and illegal hunting. They also work to raise environmental awareness among the public and local communities regarding the significance of protected natural areas and how to preserve them. Additionally, these authorities collaborate with international organizations and other countries to protect natural reserves across borders and exchange knowledge and expertise. They support scientific research and technological development to gain a better understanding of the environment and develop improved strategies for preserving natural reserves. In general, the authorities responsible for protecting natural reserves aim to conserve biodiversity and the natural environment, ensuring their sustainability for current and future generations. These authorities play a crucial role in safeguarding nature and maintaining ecological balance.
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