Economic Measurement of The Impact of International Trade and Industrial Growth of ASEAN Countries for The Period 1990-2020 According to The Model of The Flying Geese

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Shaima M. Najeb


The experience of the flying geese is one of the successful industrial experiences that prompted the Asian economies to develop through the use of a strategy based on industrial development and based on structural change in the industrial sector and with the support and high control of the countries using this experience through production prepared in order to prepare it for export, taking into account the competitive situation For commodities, the research aims to diagnose the causes and factors that led to the maturation of industrial development in the ASEAN countries followed by the experience of flying geese. The research also shows the importance of international trade by following industrialization for export. The research hypothesis dealt with, that international trade contributed through following industrialization for export along with other economic factors, an effective contribution to reaching industrial growth in the countries of Southeast Asia. The research reached a number of conclusions, including the importance of developing countries following such a successful experiment to achieve growth The theoretical study of the flying geese model shows the tendency of the Japanese economy to build a strong industrial belt with the neighboring countries of the newly industrialized countries of Southeast Asia, using multiple mechanisms, including the accelerated transfer of productive industrial facilities to Asian countries to maintain the high competitiveness of industrial goods. Including the need to follow the correction of the industrial structure according to a strategy that relies on manufacturing for export in developing countries, whether we start with light industries or heavy industries, as we noticed in the model of the flying geese, which started with the manufacture of cotton textiles and imported the raw material from Britain.


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How to Cite
نجيب ش. م. (2023) “Economic Measurement of The Impact of International Trade and Industrial Growth of ASEAN Countries for The Period 1990-2020 : According to The Model of The Flying Geese”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), pp. 54-75. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v6n2y2023.pp54-75.
Author Biography

Shaima M. Najeb, Department of Economic Sciences, College of Administration and Economics, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region";}

Scientific and administrative experiences

General specialization: Economic theory and international economics

Specialization: Economics of the Industrial Environment and Economic Growth

Bachelor of Administration and Economics / University of Mosul 1990-1991

Master's thesis in the College of Administration and Economics / University of Mosul in 2006 entitled The impact of some economic variables on attracting foreign direct investment to a sample of countries A comparative economic study according to the international industrial classification

Doctoral thesis / University of Mosul / 2009-2011 entitled the standard study of the impact of industrial growth on environmental pollution A comparative study of a sample of Asian and European countries according to the international industrial classification

Published Research:

1- The causal relationship between industrial growth and economic growth in Iraq according to the Kaldor model - Academic Journal of Nowruz University

2- The effect of commodity dumping and its impact on agricultural growth in Iraq, a reference to wheat commodity - Academic Journal of Nowruz University

3- The ecological footprint and sustainable development is a reference to some developing countries - Academic Journal of the University of Sulaymaniyah

4- The impact of sustainable agricultural growth and natural capital according to the Solo model and modern theory - Academic Journal of the University of Sulaymaniyah

A mathematical model for estimating the return on natural capital based on contemporary ideas - Academic Journal of Zakho University



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