Geographical evaluation of soil density (bulk and particle) of talaban plain in koya district
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The aim of this study is to evaluate the soil density of(bulk and particle) in the Talaban plain and its suitability for agricultural cultivation. This can be linked to the interaction of factors affecting soil density، namely soil texture and organic matter. The study of soil physical properties ، including soil density ، both of (bulk and particle) is one of the most important topics in agriculture. These physical properties are responsible for soil preparation for agriculture in terms of fertilizer and irrigation، and also play a role in determining the relationship between water and soil air ، etc. In this study ، (10) soil samples were taken from the study area at a depth of 0-30 cm. The soil samples were distributed to five villages located in the plain، namely the villages of the great Talaban and little Talaban ، Large Ilnjaghi، Small Ilnjaghi and part of Shiwashok village) Laboratory analysis of soil samples was conducted and the results were explained in tables and maps of the study area using (Arc GIS). In this study، we relied on the descriptive analytical method to analyze the laboratory results. As a result، we found that the factors that affect soil density of (bulk and particle) are soil texture and organic matter contribute to the soil density of the study area as it turned out to be suitable for crop cultivation Winter crops ، especially wheat and barley.
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القائمة المصادر
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