Defending existence among the tramps Research into non-place poetic formation
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The sensitivity of the place is manifested formally in many cases. If the place in its traditional form is summarized in a specific geometric shape; Its borders are sewn with geometric dimensions and measurements that are subject to an elaborate mathematical calculation. It has occurred in this way in countless philosophical, social and psychological courses, in order to investigate its importance and role in forming the literary text based on these references. The philosophical concept of “non-place” can be viewed in the context of a critical vision surrounding the concept of place first. In order to justify research into the concept of “non- place” in the precise manner required, the philosophical concept of “non- place” can be examined in the context of a critical vision surrounding the concept of place first. One of the components of non-place life in tramp society is the freedom to move in the vast desert, valleys, and mountains, and all that is necessary for their lives is to practice it. Speed is the body attached to tramps, which gives them rapid passage in multiple places, without paying attention to measurements and dimensions. It is a non-spatial mechanism in which defense factors rise. About existence and the continuation of life in a way burdened with problems, represented by the experience of pre-Islamic poetry and - in particular - by the group of vagabonds who went through extraordinary circumstances while practicing their methods to protect their existence and the ideology they seek to achieve.
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