Examining International Treaty Governance within the Iraqi Legal Framework Ratification, Implementation, and Constitutional Challenges

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Sanh Sh. Qader


The term "treaty" as defined in Article 1(2) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties encompasses any written agreement in international law, irrespective of nomenclature, adhering to principles of international law and intended to be legally binding. This broad definition provides states with a framework to establish international relations and uphold their international commitments. However, conflicts may arise between international treaties and national legal systems. Therefore, this study aims to explore the position of international treaties within Iraq's legal framework, specifically examining conflicts between treaties and domestic laws, as well as discrepancies between the Iraqi Constitution of 2005 and Treaties Conclusion Law No. 35 of 2015 (TCL). The investigation focuses on the legislative and executive bodies responsible for ratifying and implementing treaties. While Iraq's legal system adheres to the Dualist Theory to resolve conflicts between domestic and international law, a discordance exists between the constitution and treaty conclusion law. Under the Iraqi Constitution, parliamentary approval is mandated for all international treaties, while Law No. 35 categorizes treaties, granting the prime minister discretion over some types without parliamentary oversight.


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How to Cite
Qader, S. S. . (2023) “Examining International Treaty Governance within the Iraqi Legal Framework: Ratification, Implementation, and Constitutional Challenges”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), pp. 332-353. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v6n1y2023.pp332-353.
Author Biography

Sanh Sh. Qader, Department of Law, Faculty of law, Political Sciences and Management, Soran University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Dr. Sanh Shareef Qader is a Lecturer at Soran University in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, specializing in International Law, Constitutional Law, and Human Rights. With 13 years of experience in academia, he has authored 16 papers and a book. His research areas include International Law, Constitutional Law, Human Rights, Legal Studies, International Organizations, and International Humanitarian Law.



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