Obstacles To the Application and Measurement of Accounting for Social Responsibility in Economic Units A Survey Study of The Opinions of A Sample of Accountants in Government Departments in Koya District

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Blesa N. Kakarash
Vian S. Saeed


This research aims to study the impact of accounting measurement obstacles related to social responsibility in institutions, which represents an important stage in the development of modern accounting. This stage emerged as a result of the increase in the size of economic units and the diversity of their decisions, which highlighted the importance of this accounting field. The increasing financial, economic and social impacts have motivated institutions to pay attention to the conceptual framework of accounting, but this framework is still insufficient. It does not provide specific answers to many accounting issues, such as how to measure social costs and benefits in an accurate way that reflects the true impact of institutions on society and the environment. The importance of social responsibility lies in providing the necessary information to improve and measure the quality of services provided. The term "social and environmental responsibility" can be used to describe the obligations imposed on companies to achieve goals that benefit society and contribute to enhancing environmental sustainability. The research was carried out by distributing a questionnaire to a sample that included a group of accountants working in government departments in Koya District. Fifty questionnaires were distributed, and all of them were retrieved, of which 47 were valid for statistical analysis using SPSS. The results showed a close relationship between social responsibility accounting and the challenges associated with its measurement. The research concluded with several recommendations, including the need to increase interest in social responsibility accounting and intensify efforts to spread awareness among institutions and individuals about the importance of this field in improving economic, social and environmental decisions.


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How to Cite
Kakarash, B. N. and Saeed, V. S. (2025) “Obstacles To the Application and Measurement of Accounting for Social Responsibility in Economic Units: A Survey Study of The Opinions of A Sample of Accountants in Government Departments in Koya District”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), pp. 11-20. Available at: https://jhss.koyauniversity.org/index.php/jhss/article/view/1158 (Accessed: 7February2025).
Author Biographies

Blesa N. Kakarash, قسم المحاسبة، كلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية، جامعة كويه، إقليم كردستان، العراق.

My name is Blesa N. Kakarash. I am an assistant lecturer teaching in the Department of Administration and Accounting, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Koya University, Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq. I have a BSc. degree in Accounting and MSc. degree in Accounting. My research interest includes Auditing and Finance.

Vian S. Saeed, قسم المحاسبة، كلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية، جامعة كويه، إقليم كردستان، العراق.

Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is Vian Sulaiman Al.Salihy. I am a Assistant Professor teaching in the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Humanity and Social Science at Koya University, Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq. I have a B.Sc. degree in Accounting, M.Sc. degree in Accounting and a Ph.D. degree in Financial Accounting. I am a member of Kurdistan Syndicate of Accountants and Auditors . I am an Member of the Board of Auditors Profession in Kurdistan. My research interest includes Auditing, Acccounting information Systems, Environmental Auditing


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