Challenges of Implementing Formative Assessment by Iraqi EFL Instructors at University Level
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Formative assessment (FA) is an essential element of EFL classrooms. It allows instructors to amend, adjust, and monitor the process of teaching to reach their desired goals. However, this form of assessment is often overlooked in Iraqi EFL classrooms. As such, this study aims to investigate the challenges of implementing the FA strategies by Iraqi EFL university instructors and their attitudes to improve its use effectively in teaching. The data for this study were gathered through the observation of six EFL classes and semi-structured interviews conducted with three EFL instructors from three different Iraqi universities. The results revealed that there are many challenges for FA strategies implementation. Some of them were related to the EFL instructors’ insufficient knowledge to conduct FA strategies effectively and also their inability to create assessment criteria for their tasks and activities. Moreover, the time-consuming nature of the FA strategies and time limit of the class sessions makes it impossible for the instructors to integrate these strategies into their teaching. Furthermore, the instructors also reported that their students do not have enough knowledge of FA strategies, and cannot be involved in their implementation. Finally, the study recommends that training is needed for the Iraqi EFL instructors especially those with less experience on how to integrate and use FA strategies in the classroom.
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