Challenges Facing Accounting Education in the Kurdistan Region Universities A survey study
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This study aims at evaluating the current situation of accounting education in the Kurdistan Region in order to serve the economic development objectives in the region. In doing so, we identify the challenges and obstacle to the progress of accounting education in the region and its development. Those challenges have been classified into several main sections: challenges to educations programs, administrative and economic challenges, the challenges facing the academic staff, lack of sources and references in the field, language challenge and weak connection between market requirements and accounting education programs. Data were collected through a questionnaire. Using an analytical descriptive method, the results confirm that the combined challenges have a profound impact on accounting education in the Kurdistan region universities. Therefore, we recommend providing a suitable condition for academicians and to find the necessary changes in the curriculum, as well as finding adequate funding for the availability of contemporary sources, to find training programs during the study, more importantly to find a link between the accounting department and the preparatory curriculum, to find adequate services for students during the study and finally try to find a relationship between universities and professional bodies in the field of accounting.
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