The Impact of the Ukrainian War on EU–Russia Relations Shifting Geopolitical Dynamics
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Geopolitical forces and alliances have undergone a considerable reorganization due to the Ukraine war. Some countries have become embroiled in the conflict and reevaluated their relations with Russia and Ukraine. As a result, strategic alliances and relations have shifted, potentially impacting the balance of power at the regional and global levels. While this is happening, the European Union, a significant geopolitical player, has joined the conflict in Ukraine by supporting and aiding Ukraine, as well as enforcing sanctions against Russia. The Ukraine war, due to the EU's foreign policy, has had a significant impact on Russia-European Union relations. This study investigates intricate political, economic, security, and geopolitical interactions from the beginning of conflicts to the outbreak of war. At the political level, relations have deteriorated following the annexation of the Crimea Peninsula to Russian territory in 2014 and the subsequent military aggression against Ukraine in 2022. Economically, sanctions have posed significant obstacles to their relationship. However, despite being considered strategic trading partners, the European Union and Russia have experienced a decline in their economic ties, leading them to seek alternative markets to meet their needs. At the security and geopolitical levels, due to NATO’s expansion and greater presence across Russia's borders, their relations have shifted from cooperation to conflict and confrontation. This study will investigate the impact of the war on the relationship shift between the two sides.
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