Incorporating Body Language into EFL Teaching

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Rebin A. Azeez
Paiman Z. Azeez


In this query-based study, body language as an important non-verbal communicative technique in teaching English as a foreign language is inquired. In literature, little attention has been given to practical teaching approaches and techniques that will help English language teachers incorporate this essential element into their classrooms. This research aims at investigating the needful role of body language in the overall teaching and learning process. It considers the interplay of body language, particularly gestures, facial expressions and eye-contact behavior, between teachers and students and gives special consideration to the second language learner preferences in decoding and encoding bodily language behaviors. Likewise, specific questionnaires are used to collect data about teachers' and students’ opinions and experiences in their teaching and mannerism along with observing teachers and interviewing them. The results will help stimulating teachers' innovativeness in producing their own classroom activities and movements while teaching and better non-verbally communicate with their students in class in one hand. On the other, it facilitates students learning. It is recommended that the use and integration of body language should not be ignored by instructors.


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تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
Azeez, R. A. و Azeez, P. Z. (2018) "Incorporating Body Language into EFL Teaching", مجلة جامعة كويه للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, 1(1), ص 36-45. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v1n1y2018.pp36-45.
السير الشخصية للمؤلفين

Rebin A. Azeez، Department of English Language, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Rebin got accepted in Koya University/ College of Languages/Department of English in 2003 and he got a BA in English Language Linguists & Literature in 2007. he got an MA scholarship with 8 colleagues of mine from Bilkent University located in Turkey/ Ankara city in 2008. He earned an MA Degree there in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) in 2010. later. Now he works in Faculty of Education, Department of English Language as Lecturer up to now and forward.

Paiman Z. Azeez، Department of English Language, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Paiman is a Lecturer of English Language in the Department of English, where he joined the work at Koya University since 2010. He graduated from Teachers' Central Institute English Department in 2002, a Bachelor degree in English Language and Literature in 2007, and M.A degree in Teacher Education (Specializing in Teaching English) from Bilkent University in 2010. He started his academic teaching in 2010.  Now he is a Ph.D. student at Salahaddin University- Erbil


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