The Modified Role of Democratic Leadership in the Effect Relationship between HRM and Talent Retention An Exploratory Study to Opinions of Academic Staff Sample at Duhok Polytechnic University
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University outstand requires possessing and retain talent for long time, which is one of the difficult affairs they face, thus, the current research explores using democratic leadership to enhance the impact of HRM on talent retention. To reach this, a number of sources were relied to formulating theoretical framework, and based on them, a virtual model was built from which two hypotheses emerged, which were tested according methods in the (SPSS V.25) program. In order to obtain the necessary data to practical framework, a questionnaire was adopted, using social communication platform to distribute (140) (Google Form) randomly to academic staff at Polytechnic University (DPU), and (118) questionnaires were returned and valid for analysis. The outcome of research was a number of conclusions, the most important is the DPU capabilities improving, higher education organizations in particular and other organizations generally in retaining talent is by formulating an appropriate strategy and paying attention to HRM, in addition using of democratic leadership, which enhances the impact of HRM to retain its talents. Consequently, a set of recommendations were presented, the important one, represented that increasing (DPU) retaining talent capabilities requires increased attention to (HRM), because it considered the most important administration that takes care of its most valuable resources and increases its ability to retain talent, and to rely on democratic leadership style that secures inquiry and take opinion, and participating academic staff in all matters related to the university’s work.
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