Investigating the Frequency of Deictic Expressions in Academic Papers
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This study aims to investigate the frequency of deictic expressions, such as pronouns, demonstratives, and adverbs in the abstracts of academic papers published by the Zanko Journal of Salahaddin University in Erbil, Iraq, between 2020 and 2023. The focus of the analysis is to understand how these expressions are used in the abstracts of articles in three different fields and their impact on the clarity of the papers. To achieve this, a diverse corpus of academic papers from various disciplines will be utilized, applying an eclectic (quantitative and qualitative content analysis) approach to determine the frequency and patterns of deictic expressions. The findings of this study will provide valuable insights into the stylistic choices made by academic authors and contribute to a better understanding of the employment of deictic expressions in scholarly discourse. Furthermore, analyzing the impact of these expressions on the clarity of papers contributes to a better understanding of how they can enhance effective communication.
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