Constructing a Test to Evaluate the Performance of Referees Using Modern Techniques with the 3D Feature in Wrestling Sport

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Hadi H. Ismael
Wism Y. Burhan
Ahmed SH. Mawlood


Wrestling is characterized by a wide range of skills and basic kinetic skills and diverse defensive and offensive techniques.  Thus, the referees should have a wide range of knowledge and vigilance, especially in formidable competitions. Through the experience of one of the researchers in the field of wrestling and participation in many tournaments and referees courses noticed that there is a lack of objectivity in the Evaluation process of some referees. So the researchers deemed the preparation of a test to evaluate the level of performance of the referees is an interesting project. T he study aims to use modern techniques with the 3-D feature to evaluate the performance of referees and determination of grades standard levels to evaluate the performance of referees in wrestling. It also attempts to identify the level of referee’s performance using modern techniques with the 3-D feature in wrestling sport. The researchers used the descriptive approach in survey style to match the search problem, the research community selected was 38 wrestling referees who were supported by Iraqi wrestling federation, the researchers used Glass with a 3D feature to construct a test to evaluate the performance of referees in wrestling sport and performance evaluation form, The scientific basis for the test was established. The results prove that the study has achieved its aims and the designed test can effectively evaluate the performance of referees.


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How to Cite
Ismael, H. H., Burhan, W. Y. and Mawlood, A. S. (2019) “Constructing a Test to Evaluate the Performance of Referees Using Modern Techniques with the 3D Feature in Wrestling Sport”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), pp. 70-75. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v2n1y2019.pp70-75.


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