Effectiveness of Special Power Exercises According to Some Biomechanics' Changes on Competence Performance for Some Throwing Catches from Above of The Chest in Romanian Wrestling
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The research aims Preparing exercises for developing the special power according to some biomechanics' changes for throwing catches from above the chest in Romanian wrestling in research's sample. Knowing the effectiveness of special power according to some biomechanics' changes on technical performance for some throwing catches from above the chest in research's sample. The research's sample included Al-Thawra sport club's wrestlers in ages of (18-23) years. The sample's size was (2) wrestlers, the researchers made homogeneity on researched sample individuals, and used the suitable tests, also has designed special trainings according to some biomechanics changes by using suggested exercises by using rubber cords for (8) weeks, and by three training units in a week for purpose of developing the special power in research's sample, then, the researchers made the after tests and used power measurement for calculating of the supplied power as kinetic changes, but the kinematical changes it has been extracted by method of envision system which is the most modern existed systems, also used the statistical means which proper for the research. The most important conclusions reached by the researchers are as follows: For suggested exercises by using rubber cords, have participated in big shape in developing the muscular power in Romanian wrestling for adults. Developing of competency performance for the catches each of kidnapping and download as result of the suggested exercises which were considered that the exercises to be according to the kinetic path for the catches. It is difficult to study the biomechanics changes for wrestling game without trio dimensional photographing.
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