The Theory of Generations in Sociology A Theoretical Study in the Concept of Generations and Their Theories

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Shamal L. Rashid
Murad H. Mohammad


The intergenerational gap, a global problem, stems from conflicts in human relationships that articulate different generations' understanding of social and cultural rules (norms), thereby widening the gap between generations. Conflict between generations is an obvious circumstance in different societies. This phenomenon determines the amount, intensity, and softness of the conflict according to society's social and cultural structure. Most sociologists have developed theories about conflict due to the inevitability of conflict in its various dimensions, with individuals in society experiencing varying levels of conflict and opposition to one another, particularly at the economic and political levels. This situation is common in society, first within the family and then across generations. The objective of this paper is twofold: first, to emphasize the concept of generation, and second, to examine various sociological theories of generation. The significance of this discussion lies in the fact that over the past fifty years, the differences and conflicts between generations, as well as the separation experienced among them, have captured the attention of sociologists, psychologists, and social theorists worldwide. This paper aims to clarify the notions of generations, generational disparities, generational conflicts, and generational gaps. Additionally, it presents four significant theories on the subject: Karl Mannheim's theory of generations, Pierre Bourdieu's theory of inequality, Anthony Giddens' exploration of tradition and modernity, and Ronald Englehart's theory of value exchange.


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Rashid, S. L. . and Mohammad, M. H. . (2024) “The Theory of Generations in Sociology: A Theoretical Study in the Concept of Generations and Their Theories”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), pp. 288-298. Available at: (Accessed: 27September2024).


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