Analysis of Kurdish Language Phrase Structure According to X-Bar Theory
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The is research entitled "Analysis of Kurdish Language Phrase Structure According to X-Bar Theory”. The X-Bar Theory (X-Bar) is a part of the Government and Binding (GB) theory, encompasses a universal grammar framework. Like other languages it is normal to apply the fundamentals of this theory to the Kurdish language through various analytical perspectives. This theory is dynamic, allowing for detailed analysis and interpretation of words, phrases, and sentence structures in Kurdish. Through this research, we aim to discuss and evaluate the suitability and challenges of applying the principles of phrase structure analysis in Kurdish language morphology from this perspective. The research undertakes a descriptive analytical approach to identify and discuss this topic, relying on the analysis and interpretation of various examples of phrases and sentence types in Kurdish. The most significant findings of the research indicate that the X-Bar Theory brings languages closer together, contrary to the laws of phrase composition, which tend to differentiate languages since the composition laws for phrases were not universal for all languages, like in the case of morphosyntactic languages. This is because the laws of phrase composition did not account for prepositions and postpositions, nor did they specify which is the head: whether it comes before or after. Moreover, this research concludes that the Kurdish language is no less capable than other languages worldwide and can indeed benefit from this theory for analyzing its phrases and sentence structures.
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