Speech Act Theory: The Philosophical Controversy

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Salah M. Salih
Arazoo R. Othamn


This article is intended to critically assess speech act theory from a philosophical perspective. The theory of speech acts has undeniably enriched meaning theory and provided a fresh view for research in the fields of philosophy of language, meaning, pragmatics, and other related areas, thereby further deepening people's understanding of meaning. Speech act theoretic research has to some extent assumed that the theory is firmly grounded and thus mainly focused on evaluating the theory in terms of its development and taxonomies, exploring its application to literature, comparing/relating it with/to other pragmatic notions such as politeness, implicature, inference, etc., or validating its usefulness in language teaching contexts. Speech act theory, however, is not without its share of flaws, such as the inclination to disregard the intrinsic meaning of language components and also the status of the perlocutionary act, terminological confusion, the blurred constative/performative distinction, and the distinction between locutionary and illocutionary acts, the performative hypothesis and circumstances under which felicity conditions apply.


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How to Cite
Salih, S. M. . and Othamn, A. R. (2024) “Speech Act Theory: The Philosophical Controversy ”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), pp. 532-541. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v7n1y2024.pp532-541.
Author Biographies

Salah M. Salih, Department of English Language, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Salah Mohammed Salih, Assistant professor of Linguistics, (PhD in Pragmatics), currently a teaching faculty at the Department of English Language / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / University of Koya / Kurdistan Region-Iraq, with more than twenty years of teaching experience (all university levels: PhD, MA, and BA), and supervising PhD and MA students' dissertations. Research interest centers on Pragmatics, (Critical) Discourse Analysis, Cognitive Linguistics, and Applied Philosophy.


Arazoo R. Othamn, Department of English Language, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Arazoo Rashid Othman is a lecturer and a member of the teaching faculty at the Department of English Language, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. In 2002, I achieved my BA degree as one of the top students at Salahaddin University. Since then, I have been employed at Koya University as an assistant researcher. In 2006, I achieved my MA degree at Koya University. I am interested in different disciplines such as Discourse Analysis, Cognitive linguistics, Syntax and Semantics.



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