Kharaj At the End of The Sassanid Era and The Beginnings of Islam A comparative study

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Kameran M. Jalal Majeed
Mahdi O. Hussien


This study entitled "Kharaj at the end of the Sassanid era and the beginnings of Islam- A comparative study" it investigates Kharaj between the late Sasanian period and the beginning of the Islamic State. This research attempts to explore the fields of kharaj’s management in these two different eras. Another part of selected subjects are the land types in those two periods and whether it had an effect on the rate of accumulated kharaj the research examines the importance of kharaj as a source of state income. Depending on the previous statements, both states counted this source as the most valuable one, what is the reason behind? This article examines the related subjects the collecting Kharajs’ method, which system it was? To what extend the system of the caliphate authority period got benefit from Sassanid system, through representing the source of information path and evaluating them in this study, then comparing both periods, the differences and similarities become more obvious, despite of this point the comparison will clarify the performed alteration and the degree of Kharaj’s development. This study is expected to figure out some results, the Islamic state may benefactive from Sassanid generations in some cases, no matter they are from early Sassanid’s, or from the late Sassanian governance period, besides it seems that they performed some modifications, and this based on the circumstances of their era.


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How to Cite
جلال مجید ک. م. and حوسین م. ع. (2025) “Kharaj At the End of The Sassanid Era and The Beginnings of Islam: A comparative study”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), pp. 147-155. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v8n1y2025.pp147-155.
Author Biographies

Kameran M. Jalal Majeed, Department of History, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Name: Kameran M.Jalal Majeed Birth place: Kirkuk Birthday: Month/ day/ 1973 1. Academic achievements: A. In 1990, I graduated from Hawler Preparatory Trade School. B. In 1993, I graduated from high school. C. I obtained my BA in History in 1997 at the Department of History/ College of Arts/ Salahaddin University D. I Four years teaching experience in secondary and high schools at the Ministry of Education. E. In 2004, I Obtained MA in History at the Department of History/Sulaymaniyah University. My dissertation title was ‘Nuzi in the second millennium BC’. F. Since 2004, I have been working as lecturer in Ancient History at the Department of History/ Koya University. G. In 2010, I Obtained Phd in the Philosophy of Ancient History. My thesis title was ‘Sasanian- Roman Conflict over the Upper Mesopotamia, A Political Study’. 2. Experience. As part of my teaching, I taught several topics in this Department, such as, The Ancient History of Kurdistan, The Ancient History of Mesopotamia and Iran, The History of Egypt During the Pharaoh Period, Classical History of Greece and Roman and The History Sassanid and byzantine. I also taught The Philosophy of History for a year. Furthermore, I also taught several topics at the Universities of Sulaymaniyah and Raparen. 3. Publciations.

Mahdi O. Hussien, Department of History, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Mahdi Othman Hussien. He graduated from Department of History in 2002, Faculty of Literature at Salahaddin University.On 21/11/2002 he was appointed as an assistant researcher in the same department for one year, and then until 8/6/2008 he was appointed as an assistant researcher in the archaeological department of the college of literature. On 19/4/2008 he obtained a master's degree in Islamic-Kurdish history in the Middle Ages.On 9/6/2008 he was transferred to the Department of History, College of Social Sciences, Koya University. On 17/6/2008 he received the title of Assistant Professor from the same university.On 24/8/2014 he obtained his PhD in Economic and Social History of Greater Kurdistan in the Middle Ages from the Department of History, College of Literature, Salahaddin University, Erbil. On 28/8/2014 he received the title of teacher.• And on 24/8/2018 he was awarded the title of Assistant Professor.


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