The Effect of Water Exercises on Balance (Static And Dynamic) In Children With Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy, Ages (8-12) Years
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The Research Aim: Identifying the effect of water exercises on balance (Static and Dynamic) in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy, ages (8-12) years. The researchers used the experimental approach (one group) to suit the nature of the problem, and the research sample included children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy at the Helena Center in Erbil Governorate, The researchers used the (Berg balance Scale) test to find the static balance and the dynamic balance after the research sample received rehabilitative exercises in the water medium for a period of (3) months, and the researchers processed the data statistically using the statistical bag (SPSS) version (25). The researchers reached a number of conclusions, including: 1. Rehabilitation exercises in the water medium have a positive effect on the improvement and development of static balance in hemiplegia. 2. The floating exercise is one of the important rehabilitative exercises, which helps the patient with hemiplegic paralysis to gain confidence and improve balance. 3. The gradient in intensity during the application of the rehabilitation program in the aquatic environment has an effect on increasing the muscle strength of these injured children, and the greater the strength, the greater the balance
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