The effect of competitive playing exercises for the unfavorable hand on the explosive power of the shooting arm and a number of skill variables Experimental research on handball players for ages 16-18 years
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The research aims to reveal the effect of the training curriculum using competitive playing exercises for the non-preferred hand on the explosive power of the shooting arm and a number of skills for handball players for ages (16-18) years, and to reveal the significance of statistical differences in the explosive power of the shooting arm and a number of skill variables for the two experimental groups. And the control group in the post test, and to verify the objectives of the research, the researcher assumed that there are significant differences between the pre and post test of the experimental group and in favor of the post test in the explosive power of the shooting arm and some skill variables for handball players aged (16-18) years. And there are statistically significant differences between the pre and post tests of the control group in the explosive power of the aiming arm and some skill variables among handball players for ages (16-18) years. The skill of handball players for ages (16-18) years, the researcher used the experimental method for its relevance and the nature of the research, and the research community was deliberately identified from handball players in the Koya Sports Club Academy for the sports season (2021-2022), and the research sample was chosen from this community. It consisted of (16) players, representing (80%) of the research community of (20) players, who were chosen by the random, irregular method. The distribution of the players was random by lottery to the two equal groups, one of them was experimental, and the training method was applied to them for the competitive playing exercises, and their number was (8) players. Thus, the other group became a control group, where the approach prepared by the team coach was applied to them and their number was (8) players as well, and the researcher excluded (4) Players who were subjected to the exploratory experiment of the physical and skill variables and the training curriculum, and in light of the results of the research, the researcher concluded that the latest training curriculum implemented by the experimental group that used competitive playing exercises with the unfavorable hand made a significant progress in the explosive power of the aiming arm The training curriculum implemented by the experimental group that used competitive playing exercises with the unfavorable hand made significant progress in all skill variables (handling, shooting, clapping) with the exception of deception skill and the latest significant progress in physical variables (explosive force of the shooting arm) in favor of the experimental group that used playing exercises The non-preferred hand competition in the post test on the control group, and significant progress was made in the skill variables (handling, shooting, clapping) in favor of the experimental group that used the non-preferred competitive playing exercises in the post test on the control group, and there was progress for the experimental group in the middle. Arithmetic skill (deception) but did not reach the degree of moral.
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