Effect of Sakio Training on Heart Rate at Different Times of Anaerobic Effort, Recovery, Cumulative Lactate Level in The Blood, And Forward Jumping Skill of Basketball Players

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Rizgar M. Khudhur


The study aims to reveal the effect of Sakio training on the number of heartbeats at different times and the cumulative level of lactate in the blood of basketball players in the experimental and control groups in the pre and post tests, And the detection of the effect of Sakio exercises on the skill of forward shooting by jumping for basketball players in the experimental and control groups in the tribal and remote tests, And also the detection of differences in the number of heartbeats at different times and the level of cumulative lactate in the blood and the skill of forward shooting by jumping for basketball players, in the post-tests of the two research groups, The research community was selected from the players of the Aso Basketball Club in Erbil Governorate, As for the research sample, it was deliberately chosen from this community, and it consisted of (14) players representing (85.71%) of the research community of (14) players, The method used was the experimental method, A number of tools and means were used to collect data, and after obtaining the results, they were discussed in a scientific manner supported by sources to achieve the objectives of the research, In light of the results of the research, the researcher reached a set of conclusions, including that the experimental group that used the Sakio exercises had a positive effect on the skill of forward shooting by jumping between the post test for the experimental and control groups, And that the experimental group that used Sakio exercises had a positive effect on the level of lactate in the blood after anaerobic exercise for 7 minutes between the post test of the experimental and control groups, Also, the training group that used Sakyo exercises had a positive effect on the heart rate during exercise, directly after anaerobic effort, and after one minute of effort in the dimensional measurement of the experimental and control groups.


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How to Cite
Khudhur, R. M. (2023) “Effect of Sakio Training on Heart Rate at Different Times of Anaerobic Effort, Recovery, Cumulative Lactate Level in The Blood, And Forward Jumping Skill of Basketball Players ”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), pp. 28-40. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v6n2y2023.pp28-40.
Author Biography

Rizgar M. Khudhur, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Physical Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Prof. Dr. Rizkar Majeed Khadr
I work as a teacher in my physical education agency
I have worked in the field of sports for more than 30 years



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