Emotional Control and Its Relationship to The Self-Concept of First-Class Football Club Players at Baghdad Governorate

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Ari A. Zuber
Zainab H. Flaeh


The psychological factor has become an influencing factor in the individual’s performance towards failure and success, because the conditions of football require players to make maximum of their physical abilities, skills and tactical knowledge because they will face an unknown competitor, which requires them to evaluate and self-regulate their emotions. The research aims to identify:
Emotional control of first-class football club players
The self-concept of first-class football players
The correlative relationship between emotional control and self-concept of first-class football club players.
The researchers hypothesized that there is a statistically significant correlation between emotional control and the self-concept of first-class football club players. The descriptive approach was used by the survey method and the correlational relationships were used to suit the research objectives.
The researchers chose the sample in a deliberate manner, and their number was (50) players. After the researchers reviewed the scientific sources and references, the emotional control scale and the players’ self-concept scale were chosen from one of the similar researches. The statistical processes were extracted using the statistical package (SPSS) and after the results were presented, analyzed and discussed in the light of the objectives of the study. The research reached the following conclusions: The research sample represented by first-class football club players was characterized by high emotional control. The research sample represented by first-class football club players was characterized by a high self-concept There is a correlation between the measure of self-control and the measure of self-concept of the research sample represented by first-class football club players.


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How to Cite
زبیر ئ. ا. and فليح ز. ح. . (2024) “Emotional Control and Its Relationship to The Self-Concept of First-Class Football Club Players at Baghdad Governorate”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), pp. 203-208. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v5n2y2022.pp203-208.
Author Biography

Zainab H. Flaeh , Department of Theoretical Sciences, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq

Dr. Zainab H. Flaeh is a Professor (Full), joined the Department of theoretical sciences at University of Mustansiriyah in 2001. She has a B.Sc. degree in Physical education, an M.Sc. degree in Physical Education and Sports Psychology (2001), and a Ph.D. degree in Physical Education and Sports Psychology (2006). Dr. Flaeh has many scientific publications; (3) books and (23) Journal Articles and more than (27) conference papers


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