Youth Programming through Language Dldar Poems as examples - Critical Study
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This research is a critical and practical study. In this context, we try to discuss some of Dldar’s poems, which can be read within the framework of the neurolinguistics program to influence Kurdish youth. The research material consists of some of the poetic texts by Dldar that we consider to be appropriate examples for the subject that we want to discuss, and this is the reason that led us to have this title for the research. In this research, we endeavor to find the relationship between language and mind in the poems. The poems appear as a kind of advice in which the poet wants to have influence on Kurdish youth during the time they were written and even later, and this is a kind of programing which is considered as the main task of neurolinguistics program. From now on, this subject will be further clarified through the introduction of the concepts and the terms.
This research consists of two sections; the first section is about (neurolinguistics in terms of concepts and terms). This section clarifies language, poetic language, concepts and the term of neurolinguistics as a new science in the field of linguistics. The second section entitled (Youth Programing Through Neurolinguistics-Dldar Poems as Examples) analyses all the poetic samples by the great Kurdish poet that we consider to have a kind of programing Kurdish youth through using a special poetic language, this comprises the core of our research. The research concludes with the results and the list of references, the abstract of the research is written in English and Arabic as well.
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قورئانی پیرۆز.
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