Principles of Legal Terminology in Kurdish language
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The research is entitled (Principles of Legal Terminology in Kurdish language). The reason for choosing this topic is that it has not been worked on in Kurdish language, and it fulfills this gap and presents the richness of the Kurdish language in terms of legal terminology. Through descriptive and analytical methods, this study attempts to identify and present the principles of legal terminology based on the quotation and analysis of several examples in the Kurdish law field. Forensic linguistics has its own features and terms different from those used in daily or academic discourses, which are discussed in this research.
The most important conclusions of the study are: in order for a law to be enforced and followed, lawmakers, or anyone who is dealing with laws, need The research also found that to follow the rules of language and be familiar with the rules of language. The research also shows because language is governing the laws, the rules of language, especially forensic linguistics must be clarified and followed.
Kurdish language is an appropriate language for the field of law, because it can meet its needs and enrich the culture of the field through some principles such as (structuring, compounding, figure of speech, blending, borrowing, abbreviation, calque, metaphor and translation). Principles like (structuring, compounding, figure of speech, blending, borrowing, and translation) are the most active principles for the formation of legal terms, but the principles (abbreviations, metaphors and blending) are not active in the process of word formation of legal terms.
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