The Resistant Elements in The Poem of "Now a Girl is My Homeland"

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Jihad Sh. Rashid


One of the important poets who had poems full of meaning in the resistant poetry is Sherko Bekes. He shed the light on his society's problems, that was because of his acquaintance of his people's problems and the influence of the western literary school on him which helped him to understand deeply the situations that his era is going through and that was shown in his poem concordantly. For the above reason; he made from his poem a revolutionary ground in which he presented his resistant thoughts against the injustice that his nation was facing. Sherko Bekes used literature as a strong and influential tool in the different fields; ( Policy, Society, Linguistics, and Economy). As a poet in the literary field, he could express his resistant and awakening subjects to his people through his poems, so the researcher of this research tries by using the Descriptive-Analytical method to analyze the signs of the resistant poetry in the poem of (Esta Kchek Nishtimani Mne). The result of this research clarifies that Sherko Bekes is a resistant poet who could express his political struggle through his poems by showing the injustice that his nation faced and that made him to play an important role in the resistant literature; since his poetry included a lot of revolutionary and resistant sides which are the core of the resistant literature.


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How to Cite
Rashid, J. S. (2019) “The Resistant Elements in The Poem of "Now a Girl is My Homeland"”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), pp. 61-72. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v2n2y2019.pp61-72.
Author Biography

Jihad Sh. Rashid, Department of Persian language, College of Languages, Salahaddin University- Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Jihad Shukri, is an Assistant Professor of Literature in the Department of Persian Language.  He gained a B.A. degree in Persian Language and Literature, Persian Department, Salahaddin University in 2002, M.A. degree from Persian Language and Literature, Persian Department, Urma University in 2009 and a Ph.D. degree in Persian Language and Literature, Persian Department, Tehran University in 2013. In 2017 He got promoted into Assistant Professor at Salahaddin University. He has published a number of articles and books.



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