The Impact of Socratic Discussion and Problem-Solving Strategies on Scientific Thinking and Attitudes Toward Academic Discussion Lessons Among Future University Students

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Bahat A. Saed
Kawa A. Al-dawody


The aim of this research is to examine the effect of Socratic dialogue strategies and problem-solving methods on scientific thinking and students' orientation towards academic discussions in the first phase of the Faculty of Education at Koya University for the academic year 2021–2022. The experimental method was used in accordance with the nature of the research. The research population comprised students of Koya University, with a specific sample drawn from the geography department in the Faculty of Education, matched at several levels. The first experimental group was taught using Socratic dialogue, the second experimental group was taught using problem-solving methods, and the control group was taught using traditional methods. The scientific thinking measurement was adapted from Al-Qadri's (2005) research, consisting of 32 items. Additionally, a new form was developed to measure students' orientation, consisting of 30 items. After collecting and analyzing the data using statistical equations, the results indicated that both the Socratic dialogue method and the problem-solving method had statistically significant effects on measures of scientific thinking and academic orientation. The research concluded with several recommendations for stakeholders and suggestions for future similar studies.


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How to Cite
Saed, B. A. . and Al-dawody, K. A. (2024) “The Impact of Socratic Discussion and Problem-Solving Strategies : on Scientific Thinking and Attitudes Toward Academic Discussion Lessons Among Future University Students”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), pp. 50-69. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v7n1y2023.pp50-69.
Author Biographies

Bahat A. Saed, Department of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Her name is Bhat Abdul Razzaq Saeed. She is a lecturer in the Department of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq. She has a B.A. in Physical Education and an M.A. in Teaching Methods. Her research interests include general teaching methods.


Kawa A. Al-dawody, Department of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

His name is Kawa Ali. He holds the title of Professor in Education Philosophy with a Ph.D. degree in Teaching Methods, teaching in the Faculty of Education at Koya University in Kurdistan.



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