The Hostility of the superstitious religious and sectarian principles in Mallah Khalil Mashakhti’s poems

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Dawlat M. Ahmed
Parween R. Hadi


The hostility of the superstitious religious and sectarian principles conflicts with the ideas that are emanating from the imagination without a rational or logical reason, because these ideas are not based on scientific and cognitive foundations and principles. These thoughts are represented by expressions and words that carry within their happiness and misery. These mythical expressions and words contradict some sacred religious and sectarian ideas in the field of literary text. Besides, in the light of studying, these ideas and expressions embodied in creative texts, we can understand the reason behind their embodiment within poetic texts in order to correctly understand the poet’s intention behind these mythical ideas. This study is entitled “Hostility of the superstitious religious and sectarian principles in Mallah Khalil Mashakhti’s poems, his collection of poetry as a case study”. The research material for this study is the poems of the mentioned poet. We have applied the practical descriptive approach in this study. The main goal of this study is to clarify the formative and substantive aspect of its embodiment of superstitious ideas and principles of religious and sectarian opposition in poetic texts. Did this opposition come directly or indirectly? We divided this study into two parts. We discussed the concept and definitions of opposition in religious and sectarian superstitious principles in the first section. As for the second section of the study, it was devoted to practical part on poetry, in which we analyzed the poems of the aforementioned poet in terms of the opposition to religious and sectarian superstitious ideas in poetic texts.


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Ahmed, D. M. and Hadi, P. R. . (2024) “The Hostility of the superstitious religious and sectarian principles in Mallah Khalil Mashakhti’s poems ”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), pp. 165-174. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v7n2y2024.pp165-174.


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