Genealogy of Sovereignty in Southern Kurdistan from 1917 to 1947
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The notion of sovereignty has both historical and philosophical significance for the purpose of nation-building and state-craft. Without grasping the centrality of this concept, we could argue that any attempt at nation-building is doomed to failure. Throughout modern Kurdish history, we could notice that several discourses of sovereignty have been at the heart of each national movement. This article deals heavily with the early sightings of these discourses among the Kurdish national movement, specifically during the establishment and eventual fall of the Kurdistan Republic in Mahabad which hugely affected the discourses of sovereignty in Southern Kurdistan. However, the article is not only limited to this timeframe but expands its scope beyond this period and deals with the impact of this historical event on the general discourse of sovereignty, and in particular its consequential influence over the Kurdistan liberation movement in Southern Kurdistan. As the article’s main focus, such influence is shown in the way which Mulla Mustafa Barzani carries the discourse of sovereignty, born out of the experience of the Kurdistan Republic, to the Kurdistan liberation movement in Southern Kurdistan. In particular, the article deals with the immediate aftermath of the downfall of the Republic and its significance afterward. For this purpose, a genealogical theory and method pioneered by the French philosopher Michel Foucault has been utilized, since to understand the discourse of sovereignty means to understand Foucault’s theoretical and methodological approach.
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