Multi-Party Relationship with Political and Social Stability in the Kurdistan Region/Iraq
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between multi-party politics and social and political stability in Iraq's Kurdistan Region. The primary objective is to demonstrate how the presence and interactions of various political parties affect the social and political circumstances in this area. To achieve this main goal, the researchers have defined several secondary objectives. First, they aim to show how conflicts between political parties impact different aspects of society, such as interpersonal relationships, feelings of animosity, and desires for retaliation. This research aims to propose a multi-party strategy that promotes political engagement and the establishment of a stable governance structure in the Kurdistan Region while embodying democratic principles. The study's scope encompasses all political parties operating in the Kurdistan Region. Using a purposive sampling technique, the study sample consists of 23 leaders from political parties in the Kurdistan Region, along with prominent politicians. Semi-structured interviews were the primary method for data collection, allowing for an in-depth understanding of the perspectives of significant figures within the region's political landscape. The ultimate goal of this study is to advance knowledge about the dynamics of multi-party politics and their influence on the political and socioeconomic stability of the Kurdistan Region.
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