Ramon Llull’s Perspective on Islamic Ontology
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This research investigates Ramon Llull’s view on Islamic ontology. An attempt has been made to، briefly، show Llull’s view in Islamic ontology and discuss the influence of those Islamic Sufis and philosophers who directed Llull’s perspectives. We have divided the paper into two main points and in each point we explained some topics. The first point is about Llull’s views on Islamic philosophy، we divided this point into two topics; the first one is the struggle between mind and religion. Here، we have clarified Llull’s perspective; how he wants to create a balance between these two subjects. According to him، it could be possible to reach reality through belief while mind is not a scale for reaching faith. The subject of being influenced by Gazali’s philosophy، reading his books and Llull’s stance against Ebin-Rushd’s philosophy are discussed as well. Lull was one of those who stood against Ebin-Rushd’s philosophy. He tried his best to end Ebin-Rushd’s influence on Christian world through religious and academic establishments. In the second point، we have discussed Ramon Llull and the concept of Sufism; discussing Llull as a Sufi and the Muslims' influence on him in processing Sufism and self-dedication to God. As far as Sufism is concerned، we have shed light on the influence of Ebin-Arabi on Llull; we clarified their perspectives about the subject of Sufism and، briefly، reviewed those books that show the influence of Ebin-Arabi on Ramon Llull.
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