Repetitive Anaerobic Strength for Fatigue Index of Females in Single- player and Multiple Player Games
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The aim of the study is to identify the fatigue index values of females in single-player games, namely athletics, table tennis, and cycling; and multiple-player games involving handball, gymnasium, indoor soccer, and volleyball. It also aims to examine the differences between individual female athletes in single-player and multiple-player activities as well. The research community involves individual athletes of the two above-mentioned types of games in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. As for the research sample, it was deliberately chosen as it represents (57.73%) of the clubs in Koya, Darwaza, and Chiwarqurna. For each game, (7) female players were chosen; the total number is (42) female players. Four players were excluded for their participation in the exploratory experiment. The research adopts the descriptive approach. The researcher used a number of tools and means to collect data from which the results are obtained. The results are discussed in a scientific method supported by sources to achieve the research objectives. Based on them, the researcher has arrived at these conclusions: the repetitive anaerobic strength of the two research groups (single-player and multiple-player games) resulted in an increase in the time of the six runs to a distance of (35) meters from the first repetition to the sixth repetition and a negative decrease due to the decrease in the elongation of the anaerobic system and the reduction of the fatigue index due to the decrease in the duration of rest during the period of treatment which is (10 ) seconds.
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