Analysis of Hydromorphometric and Hydrological Characteristics of Bazian River A Geomorphological Study

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Mudhafar S. Qadir
Nali J. Hamad


Geomorphology, as a branch of natural geography, focuses on river basins as a whole natural unit of actions and shapes. It also studies the hydrological characteristics of rivers, such as determining the amount and velocity of river flow that affects the appearance of several geomorphological features. The Bazian River basin is located between the two lines of latitude (00':27":35°-00': 43":35°) and the two longitude lines (40': 57": 44° - 40': 18": 45°). East, which is located in the southwest of Sulaimani, covers an area of (357.87 km2) which is (2.5%) of the total area of Sulaimani province, its length is (37.58 km), and consists of (6) sub-watersheds. Geologically, the geological structures of the study area all date back to the third and fourth periods. In terms of climate, the area is located in the Mediterranean climate (17.3) Celsius, the area is diverse in terms of altitude, so the highest peak of the waterfall (1429 m), located in the mountain range of Hanjira, and the cantorial line (627 m) is considered the lowest point. The researcher also used the Berkeley equation to find the annual runoff income of the region, according to which the amount reaches (0.628 billion m3) and the accumulation time reaches (1.3 minutes/hour), the value of water response time reaches (1.16 minutes/hour), (1.16 minutes/hrs). Finally, the flood factor Bazyan River is (0.42).


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How to Cite
صالح قادر م. and جواد حمد ن. (2023) “Analysis of Hydromorphometric and Hydrological Characteristics of Bazian River: A Geomorphological Study”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), pp. 161-171. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v5n2y2022.pp161-171.
Author Biography

Nali J. Hamad, Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Dr. Nali J. Hamad is a Asst. Professor, joined the Department of Geography at Koya University in 2004. He has a B.Sc. degree in Geography, M.Sc. degree in Geography of Mountain and Ph.D. degree in Geomorphology and GIS. Dr. Nali has many scientific publications; and, (15) Journal Articles and more than (5) conference papers. Now he is an academic member at Department of Geography,


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