The Impact of Employer Branding on Reducing Work Procrastination Through Workplace Spirituality An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees at Asiacell Communications Company in Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
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The aim of the current study is to examine the role of employer branding in reducing procrastination at work through spirituality in the workplace. In order to achieve the study objectives, a hypothetical model was 555designed that explains the nature of the relationship between the variables of the current study. To examine the study hypotheses, the study applied to a sample of employees at Asiacell Telecommunications Company - Kurdistan Region of Iraq, to obtain the required information through the questionnaire prepared for this purpose. Since the study population consisted of (500) individuals, the researcher distributed a questionnaire electronically to employees and retrieved 174 forms that were suitable for analysis, representing a segment of employees at Asiacell Communications Company - Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The current research used several statistical tools to reach the relevant results by relying on the statistical programs (SPSS. V. 24) and (Amos. V. 24). The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is that there is a positive, statistically significant correlation and influence between the employer brand variable in reducing procrastination at work through the mediating role of spirituality in the workplace. Based on these conclusions, the researcher presented a set of recommendations, the most prominent of which is on the Asiacell Company investigated. In particular, and other companies in general, enhance the measurement of their ability to use the skills of their employees to develop innovative products and services, and provide a challenging work environment and new practices in the workplace.
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