Predict the Accuracy of The Performance of The Correction Skill in Terms of Some Anthropometric Measurements and Physical Abilities Of the Youth of Basketball for Some Youth Centers in Kurdistan Region

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Nawzad H. Darwesh


The aim of this research is to identify the values ​​of some anthropometric measurements and physical abilities and the accuracy of the performance of the shooting skill of youngsters in basketball for some youth centers in the Kurdistan Region, as well as to identify the relationship between some anthropometric measurements and physical abilities and the accuracy of their correction skill performance, and to identify the percentage of participation of some Anthropometric measurements and physical abilities in the accuracy of their shooting skill, and finally finding an equation to accurately predict the performance of the aiming skill in terms of some anthropometric measurements and physical abilities. The research sample gathered from the basketball players in the youth centers of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (Koya, Ankawa, Daratow, Bnaslawa, Shaqlawa, Hauler) and the players of these clubs reach (76) players, and the anthropometric measurements included (total body length, foot length, arm length, leg length, upper arm circumference, and hand width). As for the physical tests, they were (the static balance test, the compatibility test, the throwing medical weight test (3 kg), the arm flexion and extension test, and the free-throw skill test (shooting) with the basketball. The research concludes that there is a significant, could be supported statistically, the correlation between the values ​​of some anthropometric measures and physical abilities, and the accuracy of the basketball shooting skill of the youth of some youth centers in the Kurdistan Region.


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How to Cite
Darwesh, N. H. (2020) “Predict the Accuracy of The Performance of The Correction Skill in Terms of Some Anthropometric Measurements and Physical Abilities: Of the Youth of Basketball for Some Youth Centers in Kurdistan Region”, Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), pp. 182-188. doi: 10.14500/kujhss.v3n2y2020.pp182-188.
Author Biography

Nawzad H. Darwesh, School of Physical Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Nawzad is an Assistant Professor of Physical Education in the School of Physical Education, where he has joined the work at Koya University since 2005. He gained a B.Sc. degree in Physical Education from Salahaddin University- Erbil in 1999-2000, M.Sc. degree in Measurement from Koya University in 2006, and Ph.D. degree in Measurement from Koya University in 2012.


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